Well before this i've posted the advantages for having an engineer boyfriend..but what will happen if engineers and engineers are in love..haaa..i've read this story somewhere and kinda enjoy reading it..so i just share it with you guys here..the story begins with "aku"-male engineer and "Mu"-Female engineer who got into a 'love fight'....enjoy
Aku : Kasihku, ketumpatan cintaku padamu ialah jisim hatiku di bahagi isipadu jantungku. Masihkah kau tidak membuat sebarang anggapan??
Mu : Aku tidak percaya kepadamu kerana kau ada kekasih baru untuk menjalankan tindak balas penggantian ke atas diriku.
Aku : Kau jangan salah ertikan kecerunan garis lurus hatiku ini, kerana aku dan dia masih lagi unsur dan bukannya sebatian.
Mu : Tapi, aku berasa seperti kasihmu berkadar songsang dengan kesetiaan yg kuberikan.
Aku : Tapi, cintaku padamu adalah pemalar!
Mu : Aku masih belum mengerti lagi kerana penyelesaian yang kau berikan masih
lagi belum sahih.
Aku : Tapi, aku mengamalkan hukum newton ketiga di mana tindak balas cintaku bersamaan dengan cinta yg kau berikan.
Mu : Kau jangan bohong! Aku telah mengetahui bahawa kau adalah 'random' yg mempunyai janji-janji manis yg bergerak secara rawak.
Aku : Itu adalah fitnah yg telah tersebar melaui proses pencaran dan perolakan.
Mu : Tetapi, mengapa kau membuat tempoh perkahwinan kita mengalami rintangan?
Aku: Aku harus menggunakan perintang boleh laras untuk mengurangkan rintangan itu.
Mu: Adakah kita akan berpadu secara kimia?
Aku: Itu masih belum diketahui, tetapi hasilnya nanti dapat dilihat dengan menggunakan mikroskop cahaya.
Mu: Aku khuatir kau akan bertemu dengan yg lebih aktif dan bertindak balas dengannya.
Aku: Nampaknya, kita sedang bercinta tiga segi dan haruslah menggunakan hukum-hukum penyelesaian segi tiga untuk menyelesaikannya.
Mu: Tapi, aku telah memberi cintaku dalam magnitud dan arahnya sekali. Masihkah kau tidak percaye?
Aku: Ya, aku percaye. Tetapi aku mahu semua itu dalam bentuk lazim.
Mu: Itu semua boleh diabaikan, yang aku mahu ialah tempoh perkahwinan kita harus mengalami pecutan yg seragam.
Aku: Kau harus bersabar, kerana sabar itu 0.5 dari iman.
Mu: Tapi, imanku adalah infiniti!
Aku: Aku tidak fikir yang iman kau infiniti kerana kau belum mendarabkannya dengan 6x10'23.
Mu: Kau membuat kemarahanku meruap-ruap. Nanti bila tekanan ku melebihi tekanan udara, kau jugak yg susah kerana aku akan mengalami hemolisis.
Aku: Aku sekarang bukan aku yg dulu lagi, aku telah mengalami plasmolis.
Mu: Kau betul-betul menyakitkan hatiku ini. Ku sangkakan kau intan, tetapi rupa-rupanya kau grafit. Pergi kau dari sini. Biarkan aku sendirian........
So i think thats why engineers are meant to be with each others..hahaha..coz they speak the same language..just imagine engineers talking to an accountant..balance sheet?..turnover?..liquid assets?..saya kurang paham la, pastu gaduh2..hehe..well..happy studying to all whose struggling with their final exam..I have mine too..with you may the force be-master yoda
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Aku Dan Kamu
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 7:43 PM 0 Comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
yesterday, at this time, im still struggling with my presentation..opening the thesaurus to look for alternative words to be used because i noticed that i used "represent" a lot..hahaha..but tonight ronggengg..main game..minum kopi...nyam2..tomorrow have to start with my study back..aiyoyoy..takpe2..just another 2 weeks to go..eh eh..okla..nak pegi belumba keta plak..chow chin chow..end of transaction
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 6:41 AM 0 Comments
yesterday, at this time, im still struggling with my presentation..opening the thesaurus to look for alternative words to be used because i noticed that i used "represent" a lot..hahaha..but tonight ronggengg..main game..minum kopi...nyam2..tomorrow have to start with my study back..aiyoyoy..takpe2..just another 2 weeks to go..eh eh..okla..nak pegi belumba keta plak..chow chin chow..end of transaction
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 6:41 AM 0 Comments
end of my final year project..did my viva this afternoon..well..was it ok?..entahla belalang..but feels great..finally can study without anything intefere between the lines..and surely can update my blog again..hmm..3 more weeks to be called a student..then i'm into the working world..yeahooo..IR Azizul Hafiz..haha..aiseh..pening la plak..ok bebeh..nak pi tidoq sat..chow chin chow..
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 3:12 AM 0 Comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Engineers are the Best Boyfriends
why girls should eventually marry an engineer over a Law, Management, Arts or medical School Graduate. He has three distinct advantages over the rest of the graduates.
Advantage 1:
Secure lifestyle.
An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and get married and buy a house too. Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in a law firm, most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan, the arts graduate is still looking for a job, and the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital. ---
Advantage 2:
Unmatchable industriousness.
An engineer boyfriend will dedicate an unimaginable amount of his time and effort to understand you. Engineers strain really really hard to understand their work. You can believe that they will try really really hard to understand women too, just like how they understand their work, once they believe that you are the one. So even if they don't understand you initially, they will keep on trying. Even if they still do not understand, they will figure out the correct method to keep
you happy (e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's worth of happiness.) And once they find out the secret formula, they will just keep on repeating it so that the desired results appear. Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you, the Management graduate who will try to control your spending, the Arts graduate who ill 'change
major', and the medical school graduate who will operate on you. And you know that, it's really so easy to make engineers believe that you are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their projects and they will be hooked to you forever.-
Advantage 3:
An engineer boyfriend will never betray your
Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - the lawyers will lie about everything, management graduates will cheat your money, the arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate. Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that. Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you, has no time for affairs, and too dumb to lie to you. So girls, why procrastinate? Get an engineer for your boyfriend!
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 10:45 PM 0 Comments
Saturday, May 01, 2004
The problem with guys
1) If you treat him nicely he says you are in love with him, If you dont , he says you are proud.
2) If you dress nicely , he says you are trying to lure him, If dont you are from "ulu".
3)If you argue with him, he says you are stubborn, If you keep quiet, he says you have no brains.
4)If you are smarter than him, hell lose face If hes smarter than you, he is great.
5)If you dont love him, he tries to posses you, If you love him , he will try to leave you.
6)If you dont let him kiss you, he says you dont love him, If you let him kiss you, he says you are cheap.
7)If you tell him his problem, he says you are troublesome If you dont, he says that you dont trust him.
8) If you break your promise, you cannot be trusted, if he break his, he is forced to do so.
9) If you smoke, you are bad girl, If he smokes, he is gentleman.
10) If you hurt him, you are cruel, If he hurts you, you are too sensitive.
These are some points that most guys (not gay) have problem with...i'll be back with the problems that girls had later..wink
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 5:43 PM 0 Comments