Pheww..finally i have my own sweet time to write in this blog again...its been a very busy days for the past few months and i have no time to update anything on everything..well theres many ups and downs for me in this office..located 53 levels above the ground, I've been running around doing this and that..arrange a lot of events, golf, and visits by buyers and bla bla bla (my job is like an office boy + personal assistance + liason officer + typist + postman + teeny weeny bit of marketing)..a bit tired and worn out although the gravity up here has not much different compared to places elsewhere..but it was a great experience..kene belasah, kene maki, kene puji thats all included and come in package in my routine day job..
Its totally different from my years as a student..the only tensi tensi time is when the exam is chasing behind your back..other than that you have ample time to make over yourself (mcm dlm queer eye for the straight guy tu la), play computer games, movies and also sleep!!hehe..but now everyday I faced a lot of challenges (or should i say pressure)..if i want to name it all in here maybe it would take you guys about 2 and a half days to finish reading everything..i've been working for about 11 months and now i'm here and still standing..i pray that god will always give me the strength to stay sane and prepared for whatever things destined in my future..
occay then, enough update for today..tomorrow i'll continue and write up i want to finish my work for today and go home early..SSALE START TODAY~!!!!..want to go back early and do some shopping..yeaahoooo
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Posted by: HomeQueen Time: 2:15 PM 0 Comments
Category: My Life
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