Saturday, January 31, 2004

buckle up

yess!!..finally..end of week..the most tiring thursday and friday of 2004..hmph..2 papers left next week..then i'll be entering my final semester of being a student..6 months?.i think less than that..counting days..well..not much activity today..after the paper, went home and play PC games..listen to the, chat pot pet pot pet..tried to force myself to sleep by lying on my bed but not tv but then get bored coz its the same ol movies again and again..vanilla sky, shallow hal, harry potter, bla bla bla..not in the mood of doing things..maybe exhausted by too much memorising definition and diagram..ok..i'l share one of the definition with you guys...what is "mechatronics" is a synergistic combination of precision engineering, electronic control and system thinking in the design of products and manufacturing process..interesting?..not interesting?.i can hear a voice saying it loud and clear in my head..the voice within..dont know how long i'll remember it..maybe for my whole life..hahaha..imagine how many time i have to repeat one definition over and over again to make sure it sticks in my forgetful mind..and how many times i think i've memorise it but not...chait...its not easy ooo..hmm..ok then..think its time for some supper..or some sleep..tired tired..till another log..

Friday, January 30, 2004


finally..the end of professional'll never haunted my life nemore..cweeepy..tomorrow got another paper..have to sleep early tonight..just a point to ponder for today..why can't all human beings help each other with their it too hard?..even for 3 minutes..frankly, i'm quite troubled with the type of ppl who, "when they need us, they want us to be there and help them but when we need them, god knows"..half-hearted..some people just can't understand..are they being sellfish?..or just being typical malaysian?..well..different people different perception..don't blame you guys..take care..may Jijoy get 100% for tomorrows paper..thanks coz u have just prayed for my ur dreams mate..100% konon..chow

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

oh no

2 days to day..then can say goodbye to "professional responsibility"..not much activity today..just read read read and read...dem..too much reading make me hungry..and a chocolate bar will be the usual victim...nyam2..had a smoked mackerel today..haha..nyam nyam..cook it with some mixed or rather "belasah" sauce..arghh suddenly i feel like my stomach gettin rounder and rounder..please..can i end this exam week soon..or not my jeans will not fit me..hehe but i still have lots of backup jeans..dont worry..i have all sizes in the wardrobe..raya size, summer size, puasa size and winter size..wink2..stomach like a baloon huh?..guess so..for the past few days i had it a headache..oh lord please not migrain..coz its just affect the left part of my head..i think this is the results of too much computers..arghh..hopefully it'll get better soon..before my papers..or meee!!!..niweys..enjoy this song by Joose..sleepin timee...yeay

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

start of the week

woke up early though miss my subuh..but not so "gajah"..don't know why and how, coz set the alarm at 7 o klok..woke up at 8..and i was like..who turn off my alarm clock?!!..surely it was the "subconcious jijoy", who is my evil half..just like smeghole in LOTR..damn..tot i lock him up in a cage last night..well u'll pay for that..cisss..finished reading the "professional responsibility"..horeee..but it was like reading a 'history' subject which is totally the fact that i hate reading stuff..when i about to finish reading the last notes, i feel a bit dizzy and my room starts spinnin around..dont know why..too much reading or too much games?..weong weong..have 2 papers end of this on thursday and one the day after..better start on the friday's paper soon.."mechatronics", interesting!!..huhuh..well at least one dull and one interesting..something to look forward to huh..but just 2 days left for me to study the i have enough time to conclude it?..thank god i studied 70% of the subject's (mechatronics) materials during the first few weeks of the hols..pheww..and our mechatronic's lecturer happened to be my final year project's supervisor..if i fail this subject, still can take him out for a cup of coffee and ask him to alter my marks..flying colours..wish it was that headache..dont want to take panadol a.k.a paracetamol..better sleep for a while..half an hour perhaps..but not 5 hours..cya

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Pick Of The week

Bacalah kisah di bawah. Sesungguhnya ada pengajaran yang boleh diambil dan diaplikasi dalam hidup kita. Mungkin bukan setakat pada orang yang disayangi tetapi juga rakan-rakan,teman-teman dan orang di sekeliling kita.

Seorang lelaki dan kekasihnya bernikah dan acara pernikahannya sungguh megah. Semua kawan-kawan dan keluarga mereka hadir menyaksikan dan menikmati hari yang berbahagia tersebut. Suatu acara yang luar biasa dan sungguh mengesankan. Mempelai wanita begitu cantik dan anggun dalam gaun putihnya dan pengantin lelaki dengan tuxedo hitam yang gagah. Setiap pasang mata yang memandang setuju mengatakan bahawa mereka sungguh-sungguh saling menyintai dan sepadan.
Beberapa bulan kemudian, si isteri berkata kepada suaminya: "Sayang, saya baru membaca sebuah artikel dalam majalah tentang bagaimana memperkuatkan hubungan dan tali pernikahan kita", katanya sambil menunjukkan majalah tersebut. "Masing-masing kita akan mencatatkan hal-hal yang kurang kita sukai dari pasangan kita. Kemudian, kita akan membahas bagaimana kita mengubah hal-hal tersebut dan membuatkan perkahwinan kita bersama lebih bahagia ...".
Suaminya setuju dan mereka mula memikirkan hal-hal dari pasangannya yang tidak mereka sukai dan berjanji tidak akan tersinggung ketika pasangannya mencatat hal-hal yang kurang baik kerana ia adalah untuk kebaikan mereka bersama. Malam itu mereka sepakat untuk berpisah tidur dan mencatat apa yang terlintas dalam benak mereka masing-masing.

Esok pagi ketika sarapan, mereka sedia membincangkannya. "Saya akan mulai dulu ya", kata isteri. Ia lalu mengeluarkan senarainya. Banyak sekali yang ditulisnya, sekitar 3 muka surat ... Ketika ia mulai membacakan satu persatu hal yang tidak dia sukai mengenai diri suaminya, ia memperhatikan bahawa airmata suaminya mulai mengalir ... "Maaf, apakah saya harus berhenti ?" tanyanya. "Oh tidak, teruskan ..." jawab suaminya. Lalu si isteri melanjutkan membacakan semua yang tersenarai, lalu kembali melipat kertasnya dengan manis di atas meja dan berkata dengan bahagia, "Sekarang giliran abang membacakan senaraimu". Dengan suara perlahan suaminya berkata, "Aku tidak mencatat sesuatupun di atas kertasku. Aku berfikir bahawa engkau sudah sempurna, dan aku tidak ingin mengubah akan dirimu. Engkau adalah dirimu sendiri. Engkau cantik dan baik bagiku. Tiada satupun daripada peribadimu yang kudapati kurang ..." Si isteri tersentak dan tersentuh hatinya oleh pernyataan dan ungkapan cinta serta isi hati suaminya ... bahawa suaminya menerimanya apa adanya. Ia menunduk dan menangis ...

Moral Cerita: Sebelum kita mencari kekurangan orang lain, carilah kekurangan sendiri. Adakah kita cukup SEMPURNA untuk dibandingkan dengan orang lain?.. Kalau jawapan nya YA, maka kita berbohong atau kita PERASAN. Kerana tiada manusia yang SEMPURNA dan sentiasa ade yang perlu diperbaiki... wallahualam
Hakikatnya orang-orang yang menyayangi diri kita tak kira siapa pun sebenarnya adalah yang mencintai kita kerana kelebihan kita dan menerima kita kerana kelemahan kita. Dan sudah pastilah orang ini ikhlas dalam menyayangi diri kita... INSYA ALLAH.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Saturday morning

horee horee horee..finished reading "manufacturing systems"..feel so great though i'm slightly off-track..but the subject was quite interesting..never imagine that manufacturing something needs a lot of equations in order to minimise the cost..thats new..i thought the equations thingy just work when we want to calculate the key to success.."usaha + sabar = berjaya".."game + tido = lingkup"..but guys, bare in mind..master yoda once told me..."(usaha + tido)/(game +sabar) = 1st class upper"..yeahh baby..because the bad things will cancel out each other..see..our life is filled with lots of equations..
hmm..watched "scrubs" the first episode this morning..after watching it, i fancy being a doctor rather than being "engineers with equations"..hehe..sorry engineers..bye bye..if only doctors don't have to go "on-call", i think the job is the good things we're about to do to people and the big money waiting for minded huh..well all doctors out there..keep it up..
now the yucky thing.."Professional Responsibility of Engineers" subject..actually theres not much to study..but the lecturer gave us so many pages of case studies making the subject seems so i have to know the details of the "hatfield" train crash? do i have to know bits and pieces of the "folding bicycle"? i?..i think not..i just have to know the type of approach needed to face those kinds of situations in real life..the case study helps us to understand the theory more..yes, its true..perhaps not too much details so that we (the students, especially the non-western european background as claimed by the lecturer) can differentiate between the course's materials and the unwanted things..blimey..
be patience and take a deep breath..just remember the success equation i gave you guys just now..right now..i feel like eating kuey teow goreng..saw some dried kuey teow in the cupboard downstairs..yummy..


Jamrud - Surti & Tejo
Surti remaja anak bapak kades
Dan si Tejo jejaka baru aja mudik
Berdua saling mencinta sejak lulus SD
Hingga kini beranjak gede
Surti sumringah arjunanya pulang
Tiga tahun berpisah nyari dana di kota
Mereka melepas rindu dipematang sawah
Hingga malam selimuti desa
Jemari Tejo mulai piknik dari wajah, sampai lutut surti
Tanpa sadar sarung merekapun jadi alas
Mirip demo memasak
Tejo mulai berakting di depan Surti
Masang alat kontrasepsi
Surti menjerit, serentak menutup matanya
Surti menangis kecewa arjuna berubah

Hilang Tejo yang dulu ngampung, dekil lugu, tapi Surti suka
Berganti tejo yang gaul, yang funky, yang doyan ngucapin


Surti berlari kayak kesurupan
Dan sitejo ngelamun menahan konaknya
Diacungkan jari tengah ke arah Surti,
Penuh dendam di bilang ...Fu**** you...

Friday, January 23, 2004


my mission to finished up "manufacturing systems" notes fail today..dem..another 4 notes to go out of 16 notes..too much leisure today..haha..went to tesco..bought some into yoghurt now..tastes great u know..dont know how long this affection for yoghurt would lasts..hmm..why study is so boring?..not like playing sports or watch movies..or playing pc games..if it is as fun as those things, bet you guys wont see me anywhere outside my house..i'll lock myself in my spacious room and have my notes all over the floor..pity me..too lazy to read i think..seriously i never finished reading any storybook..novel? couple of pages then fall asleep..its like a curse to me..haaa maybe that evil witch cast it upon me when i was about 11 yrs old..but she was so lovely teaching me english..surely at that time i was very the notty..always asked to stand on my chair or outside the class..haha.."rotan" was a usual thing to fat white notty boy..have to find a way to broke this curse..any idea?..hmm..gettin late now..have to go to sleep..will continue again next bed is calling me...

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Dear "Blog",

how are you today..sorry i can't write to you yesterday..i was a bit busy..not studying..but relaxing my mind..anyway..last nite i went swimming at Goodwin "National Sports Centre"..would it be nice if i can be a good swimmer..not that i can't swim..i just wanted to swim like Ian Thorpe..1500m non-stop or at least 100m sprint..back-stroke? breast-stroke? freestylo?..sigh..well at least i'm good at one style..which is frog-stroke..wehoo..thinking back on it actually i can't be a fast swimmer ..know why "blog"? stomach is too big and round..which aircraft or f1 engineers will claim as not enough aerodynamic..6-pack? neahh...even far from 4-pack..just 1-pack..but i can float easily though..maybe i can try out synchronised swimming..yeahh..what have you been up to "blog"?..this morning i cook some fried mom's style..with some dried chilli and lots of anchovy..its been a while since i last cook it..taste good..u should try it..
back to intellectual i must finish reading the "manufacturing systems" notes..then i can do some past years..yak yak yak..7 days to go..just like craig david's will go by so quickly if i just sittin in front of computers or just sleep..better make use of it to the maximum..ok "blog"..runnin out of time..hope to hear from you soon..bye..

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

no more more calculating the efficiency of a more T-s diagram..and no more turbine and compressor..there goes my first paper..flying colours?..hahaha no..water was like ok but not ok..if i was given more time to answer all 4 questions, i can do it better and more proper..imagine, 2 hrs, four 25 marks questions, answer handwriting was a answer book looks like an album with lots of dead worms' photos in it..hopefully the examiner can read my scribbling..u are paid for it man..either u read it or just flip through my answer book and put ninety something on the front page..peace..tonight just sittin in front of computer listening to musics doin nothing..tomorrow have to change the mode back to "STUDY"..can i?..sigh..just 4 more to patience..anways..dedicate this gaban song to all "gaban" fan out there..wakatau wakatau wassini!!...chow

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


good morningg!!..yeay..i'm so happy today..don't know why..maybe because exam is just in a few hours i think..or issit because of waking up feeling "i know what to do today"..anyway..all the best to jijoy and to others who have their exam today..dont worry guys, everythings will be alright after we stepped out of the examination hall..haha hope so..wehoo..can't wait till 3.30..then i can say goodbye to "fluid power and energy conversion" more pump more brayton do i still have to learn those things next semester?..naahh..perhaps not..well again..good luck to cheer for mechanical engineers..two cheers for all engineers to be..gambatte kudasai!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

And Smeghole sez..

don't you guys ever do this during the "Return of The King"

1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait... where the hell is Harry Potter?"
2. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
3. Ask everyone around you if they think Gandalf went to Hogwarts.
4. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mr. Anderson."
5. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
6. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep" Monty Python style.
7. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"
8. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.
9. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"
10. Start an Orc sing-a-long.
11. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.
12. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.
13. When they go in the paths of the dead, wait for tense moment and shout, "I see dead people!"
14. Imitate what you think a conversation between Gollum, Dobby and Yoda would be like.

My PreCiOussss......

Monday, January 12, 2004

I am so Grateful

Dear mom and dad,
how are you guys doing..i hope fine..may Allah bless you every minute, every hour, every day..i'm doing great here in Sheffield. i wrote this letter just to say thank you very much for always being there for me. If not for what you have done to me, i'll not be the person I am now and be here in Sheffield. Theres many ups and downs in my life lately. I wish you guys are here with me to see and help me deal with all of them. I dont know wether Ive done the right things or not. Hopefully yes for most of the time. Really need your help mom. Teach me to be strong like you. Why cant i? why am I so fragile? am I too soft-hearted?. If so, is that a bad thing or a good thing mom. Dad..Uve taught me to be kind with my friends and other people. I did that but sometimes they just cant understand it. Tried my best to bring happiness to ppl around me like you do. Dont know wether i've done enough. I think I irritate them more than I make them happy especially the one person loved :(...I even say nothing whenever they yell at me, dad. Yet you guys havent yell at me for a long time since I turned teenager. Too much tolerant perhaps? Sometimes I lost my patience but I never show it to them. Just like what u guys did to, I think this is the price i have to pay for hurting you and dad. Forgive me mom. Forgive me dad. Promise wont let you guys cry anymore. I know im the blacksheep in our family. i'm sorry. i'll improve myself as time goes by and make u guys proud of me. But will both of you still be there when the time comes? Only God know. I just wanna let you guys know how grateful I am to have you as my parents. Nobody can replace your place in my heart. Love you, mom and dad..

big day ahead

its monday today..guess theres not much different with other days..and again..woke up late..but i think its ok coz before i slept this morning i finished reading one topic on materials..thats an improvement i think compared to last few i listen to christina aguilera's song again and again..her voice is very soulful..shes my favourite artist now..hehe..goodbye siti nurhaliza and jennifer lopez..u guys are good but not powerful is a lyric of her song which i fell in love with..

Christina Aguilera - The Voice Within

Young girl, don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl, it's all right
Your tears will dry, you'll soon be free to fly

When you're safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing's harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within

Young girl, don't hide
You'll never change if you just run away
Young girl, just hold tight
And soon you're gonna see your brighter day

Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It's so hard to stand your ground when you're so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you're lost outside look inside to your soul


Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you're learning
You'll find all you'll ever need to know

(Be strong)
You'll break it
(Hold On)
You'll make it
Just don't forsake it because
No one can stop you
You know that I'm talking to you


Young girl don't cry
I'll be right here when your world starts to fall

What a day

a disaster..woke up late and miss my subuh prayer..:(...poor me..then called my sweetheart and we had a long conversation this morning..she had this big problem and better not to write it here..Many thanks to vodafon and their free minutes though..after that i covered myself with my magical blue mantel(duvet) and suddenly my world turns black in a blink of an eye..when i woke up at 2pm i felt a bit dizzy of sleeping too long..don't know what to do games?cook lunch(like i've done that before)?..aarrghhh...have to cook today anyway..
I live in a house of 6 with my frens (but is the 6th one considered as our housemate?..i doubt that, hehe)..and we have a cooking rota..chip(my housemate) and I will cook every 2 days..anip and bo(also my housemates) cook the day after we cook alternately because they cook alone(berapa banyak cook daaa)..i prefer to be accompanied and the unfortunate person here is chip..just imagine sittin in the kitchen, cutting onion, washing chicken legs, and cook just by urself..i know some people wouldn't mind but not me..i'll die doing that the fact that we all have lots of unwanted housemates (mouse) living in our kitchen and I really hate them..but chip has been the second best cookmate i've ever had..surely the first one is my lovely mom..
regarding the mouse which have infiltrate our house..actually this year's mouse are smaller than last year' i remembered, last year we killed a no..its a rat, sewer was like as big as a size 9 show how gangster he(the rat) is, he ran on chip's feet when we were busy cooking in the kitchen and we end up cooking on the chairs..both of us..thank god it didn't jump into our meal....really thats the biggest rat i've ever seen in my of the chart..the next day..we found the same the rat on our kitchen floor.."huaa..gangster siott"..I tot it was sleeping but not..yeayyy it died but eewwww whose gonna throw it the end, with the help of some special tools(shoe box,plastic bag,long wooden stick,courage) ad the cheer from anip, I managed to throw it away...until now the cause of death remains unknown..
conclusion..rats and mouse..yuckss!!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

First few atempts

Arrgghhh..can't get the skins right..why am i bothered to update the look of my blog at this very moment. i have to finish my tutorials which is more important..demit jijoy..hmm..maybe i'll be addicted to this blog thingy..noo please don't..tutorial sheet~~tutorial sheet~~tutorial sheet~~..yeay hypnotised myself to continue with my tutorials..

New blog created in the server....
------>connection lost.