Monday, January 12, 2004

What a day

a disaster..woke up late and miss my subuh prayer..:(...poor me..then called my sweetheart and we had a long conversation this morning..she had this big problem and better not to write it here..Many thanks to vodafon and their free minutes though..after that i covered myself with my magical blue mantel(duvet) and suddenly my world turns black in a blink of an eye..when i woke up at 2pm i felt a bit dizzy of sleeping too long..don't know what to do games?cook lunch(like i've done that before)?..aarrghhh...have to cook today anyway..
I live in a house of 6 with my frens (but is the 6th one considered as our housemate?..i doubt that, hehe)..and we have a cooking rota..chip(my housemate) and I will cook every 2 days..anip and bo(also my housemates) cook the day after we cook alternately because they cook alone(berapa banyak cook daaa)..i prefer to be accompanied and the unfortunate person here is chip..just imagine sittin in the kitchen, cutting onion, washing chicken legs, and cook just by urself..i know some people wouldn't mind but not me..i'll die doing that the fact that we all have lots of unwanted housemates (mouse) living in our kitchen and I really hate them..but chip has been the second best cookmate i've ever had..surely the first one is my lovely mom..
regarding the mouse which have infiltrate our house..actually this year's mouse are smaller than last year' i remembered, last year we killed a no..its a rat, sewer was like as big as a size 9 show how gangster he(the rat) is, he ran on chip's feet when we were busy cooking in the kitchen and we end up cooking on the chairs..both of us..thank god it didn't jump into our meal....really thats the biggest rat i've ever seen in my of the chart..the next day..we found the same the rat on our kitchen floor.."huaa..gangster siott"..I tot it was sleeping but not..yeayyy it died but eewwww whose gonna throw it the end, with the help of some special tools(shoe box,plastic bag,long wooden stick,courage) ad the cheer from anip, I managed to throw it away...until now the cause of death remains unknown..
conclusion..rats and mouse..yuckss!!

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