Thursday, March 10, 2005

Boss, Oh Boss..

Sometimes a simple very good meants a lot to others working under your supervision..isn't that true?..we can make people happy with just one or two words..this is what currently lacking in our society especially organisations in malaysia..they treat people like a slave.."If you work under me, you are my 'slave' and i dont have to say thank you or anything when u do me a favour"..this is not true..ethically its not right..mentally its not good for your workers..and politically you (the bosses) will lose their popularity..though I agree that this is not applicable to all the bosses..but just remember guys, when you become "somebody" dont forget our manners, ethics and try to respect others especially who are working under you..even if they screwed some task given to them, just give them a reminder and try not to scold them so hard to the extend that they'll fall and cant rise back on their feet to be a better person..mistake does happens..we are all human..thats the fact!!..

P/s : heard this many times - "If we dont make mistakes, we learn nothing, if mistakes happen, there are 1000 new things you'll learn in this life"

1 comment:

  1. Jijoy,
    Work is work la. It doesn't mean we are less human! We must treat people with respect.

    We are no slave to anybody...
