Monday, March 21, 2005


I cut my head bald last saturday and these are some comments i received from my officemates this morning:

1. Uish, bayar nazar ke?
2. huiyo Ronaldo!
3. Macam baru balik Umrah je.
4. you look different.
5. Laa ingatkan sape tadi, tgk takde rambut.
6. ape citer kawan, mane hilang rambut.
7. wahh nampak mcm brad pit

hahaha, obviously i just made up point no 7..ish2..sungguh perasan orang itu..why girls like brad pit much more handsome than him..aiyaaa..pening2..dizzy...btw this is my new solution for hot weather and moving towards a headache free day. well my friends, today its gonna be a bit hot. 40 degrees according to the local newspapers last week. something to do with how to spell it properly?..ekuinoqs?..ekuinos?..aaahhh..ikea?...haaa went to ikea last nite..hehe..first time and it was planning to go there again soon and shopping2..the designs are way to cool..haha..ok then..later...chow chin chow


  1. hahaha..:P..ikea happening what..tu tempat window shopping jela..nak shopping2 pegi tempat lain maaa

  2. hehehe... u look a lot better. I saw u just now... :-)

  3. owh..kembali ke zaman 1st yr time pegi bath...kepala botak jaket matriks

  4. yeahh..zaman sebab nak brings back ol memories..and thanks kak jamie..i tot i looks like a mafia more..hehehe..

  5. botak / skinhead is in!
    senang and hensem, tak caya, tgk wife aku laaa chun ke tak chun!
    i do number 1 or 2 or 3, tak payah nak beremos2 laaa.....sooo last century one lehhh!

  6. hehe.btul tu btul tu..takyah nak remos2..nak keluar rumah ilek je..pakai baju keluar..ehh seluar aku tak lupa pakai la..hehe
